Zoom is increasing the meeting duration limit from 30 to 40 minutes for 1:1 meetings hosted by Basic (free) members on paid accounts as of July 15, 2022. Zoom Meeting Without Host Time Limit Credit: If the host is bumped off, the meeting can continue as long as the co-host is present. By clicking on a participant’s name and then selecting “Assign as co-host,” you can assign him or her to serve as the co-host for the first meeting. When the power goes out or the internet fails, Zoom assigns a random participant to host the meeting. The meeting can continue without the user’s permission if the meeting is being held via the Internet. The host has the option of assigning the host controls to another user who will leave the meeting. The Host Control and Meeting Leave Instructions must be followed. The meeting cannot be terminated or another user will be allowed to host the meeting if both hosts are present. If the original host is a Basic (free) user, the meeting will last no more than 40 minutes, and even if the new host is a Licensed user, the meeting will last no more than 40 minutes. If the original host is a licensed user, the meeting will continue indefinitely however, if the new host is a free or basic user, the meeting will end. If you exit the application without a response, the one who arrives at the meeting as soon as possible is automatically assigned as the host. On your personal profile, click the host key link. Consider not using the waiting room if your meeting is also held in a room with a separate waiting room. You must have enabled the Join before host feature. A license must be obtained for both the host and the alternate host. Select an alternate who will handle the meeting on your behalf instead of the host. As an example, the following is presented in this article. If the host is unable to attend, Zoom allows meetings to continue even if he or she is unable to. Let’s take a closer look at each of these options so you can choose the best one for your needs. Another option is to use a scheduling tool like Calendly that integrates with Zoom. One option is to create a meeting template and assign it to someone else.
Luckily, there are a few different ways you can schedule a Zoom meeting without being the host.
And if you’re the one responsible for scheduling the meeting, you may be wondering if there’s a way to do it without having to be the host. If you’re using Zoom for work, chances are you’ll need to schedule a meeting at some point. You can create a meeting template and assign it to someone else, or you can use a scheduling tool like Calendly that integrates with Zoom. If you’re looking to schedule a Zoom meeting but don’t want to be the host, there are a few things you can do.